Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sally Jesse Raphael

We all have those times in our childhood when we look back at the pictures over the course of the years and say to ourselves: "Why the hell did I think THAT look was a good idea?"  For some it's a brief year period...for others a tad longer, for me: about three years.  Elementary school was getting finished up, clicks of friends were of forming, boys were beginning to look cute and I decided I needed a new look.  So, the summer before 6th grade I took matters into my own hands.  I grew my hair to my shoulders and permed it.  I also was in need of some new glasses for the school year.  It was 1992 and Sally Jesse had a day time tv show.  She was known for her interesting topics and sassy interview skills, but also had a pair of large, red, plastic, framed glasses.  I decided I needed the same.  So off I went my first day of school, new hair do, glasses, and rocking the Eastland leather boots that were the craze.  With the boys slowly maturing, I was sure this new look was going to turn heads.  Incorrect.  Not being one to change for just anyone, I was sure this look would catch on. As I glance back at the pictures (Maybe sometime I'll get drunk and post some on here) I wonder why I didn't listen to my mother that suggested, maybe not perming my hair and a smaller frame on my glasses, would be a bit more complimentary.  At the time when we're kids we're just annoyed that parents think they don't know what's cool...turns out, they're thinking in the long term and realize that we will look back and be pissed that we decided to perm our hair.  What was cool about my parents, is that they never told me I couldn't do it.  They let me go ahead and make the mistake...for three years.  Then when I came to my senses they did the natural thing, and made fun of me for it.  It's because of those lunatics I am truly able to laugh at myself in any situation.  I'm guessing I burned most evidence.  I was able to come up with my middle school ID card, here I had swapped the sensible red Sally Jesse glasses for blue ones...

In the middle of experimenting with new looks, I was really coming into my own.  I remember that time in my life, going to middle school each day, and really enjoying it.  I had a little group of friends that I could count on, I was, at that point, still getting decent grades, and like all 'tweens' was totally self absorbed.  If bullying was happening then, I wasn't part of it.  The internet wasn't even around yet, and when it was, nobody could find a damn thing on it, so this cyberbullying shit the kids of today experience was nonexistant.  I find it odd that I was never really bullied.  You would think, growing up the fat kid (or the fat, Sally Jesse, if you will) I would have experienced some of it.  Maybe I did, and I'm still so truamatized I'm still blocking out that era of my life.  But my gut tells me, I'm not worse for the ware.  This is the juncture in my life that friends truly started being extensions of the Radke family.  Many slumber parties were had at my house, many prank calls were made to boys (No caller ID yet!  What up?!) (By prank calls I mean we would call and then just hang up the phone when they answered) and lots and lots of giggling was had into the wee morning hours.

Life was a simple time...but there was something inside of me that was screaming to come out.  At that moment I was playing it safe with my circle of friends, not trying to push the ballot, or stand out in any way whatsoever.  (How could I not, I was Albert Lea's version of Sally Jesse)  I was getting to a crossroads, where I felt like I was trying too much to just go with the flow, and hide all of the hilarity that I really wanted to share with people.  It was getting ready to bubble up and overflow just in time for the start of 9th grade....

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