Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Being chubby and playing tag...

Being an only child, friends, were always, and will always be, very near and dear to my heart.  Friends are truly an extension of my family, probably more so than some people realize, because I lack that brother/sister bond that many other people are fortunate enough to have.  When I look back at some of the best and worst times of my life, I think of my parents and then immediately, the friends that were there to surround me.  I think all of us want to make friends and keep them, but the realities of life happen, and windows open and close on friendships.  A friendship window is unique in that it can be opened or closed without any given warning.  Sometimes they remain open forever...or after a time in which you are sure they are painted shut, they open again one day, to reveal an evolution of friendship you didn't know was possible.  Sometimes however, without anyone's fault, they shut for good, and you are only able to look through the dusty pane and remember the memories that will be forever ingrained in your mind.  I, like all of us, have many variations of those types of friends in my life.  For those of you I don't communicate with, or have let the window close, I am sorry.  But please know, you have played an important part in making me who I am today. 

Thinking back as that first year in Hollandale grew to a close, the Radke's were experiencing all sorts of new friend encounters. As for me, one of my favorite new friend experiences was the birthday party.  I had them when we lived on the farm, and went to a few before I moved, but never as many as when I started kindergarten and onward.  There was only one thing I hated about birthday parties.  At that age kids have more energy than they know what to do with, and moms who just wanted to get out of the party without any broken family heirlooms or bones, knew exactly what to do.  So no matter what time of year it was, after the party games, after the delicious food, cake, and opening of gifts, I heard the dreaded phrase, "Go outside and play!"  Now, those of you that know me, and have known me since my youth, can understand why I hated this.  Playing outside meant, without fail, a game of tag.  I have always been, and probably always will be, pleasantly plump.  I don't like to run, I don't like physical activity, I don't like to sweat.  After consuming hotdogs, soda, chips/dip, candy and cake, the last thing on my mind was playing a rousing game of tag.  But without fail, the enevitable would happen.  We would be shuffled outside, playing happily on the swing set, and that skinny bitch would shout, "Let's play a game of tag!  I'll be IT first!"  I would roll my eyes, then promise myself I wouldn't give up this time, I would run with the best of them!  Who was I kidding?  within the first 3 minutes, I was it, and trying to catch those little broads, was out of the question.  I without fail would fake a side ache, "Ooof! Too much cake, I have to catch my breath!"  and then happily step to the side, knowing that the annoying part of the party was over...at least until the next birthday rolled around.  The below picture is one of my parties, we had a sensible water fight and then open gifts.  No tag whatsoever.

While I was faking injuries at birthday parties,  mom and dad were really finding their niche in the community.  Mom had run across an old friend that lived in town from her elementary school days, and was being introduced to fabulous women that would turn into her 'birthday club' in later years.   Dad loved his job, the people he worked with, the town..there was just one thing that was missing, that could really give the town, and his family exactly what it needed...CABLE TELEVISION.  Yup, it was 1988 and Hollandale still didn't have cable.  He did what any American man would do, talked with the council about getting cable to Hollandale.  The councilmen, being a bit older, and conservative were not receptive to the idea.  That's when dad knew what he HAD to do.  He was going to run for Mayor.  His platform: Cable TV for all!  (I'm not making this up) He was elected that fall, and cable tv came about a year later.  He remains Mayor to this day.  Being a Mayor in Hollandale means you wear many hats: dog catcher, city maintance man, (at least initially) protector of the law, (unless it's serious and the sheriff needs to be called), and over all, taker of general complaints about everything.  Dad even got on CNN one time!...Unfortunately it was in the fall of 2004 when the entire town was nearly taken out by a flood, but he sure was the face of Hollandale for those trying hours.  But he wouldn't have it any other way.

All in all, those first few years in Hollandale were an adjustment to say the least, but looking back, this was when the roots of our little bitty family were really taking hold, and that's a good thing, because there would be tests along the way...


  1. 1) I truly enjoyed your friendship window analogy! Spot on!! And 2) I never knew Papa Ted had a "platform" and that it was CABLE TV!!! Bahahahaaa!! Love it :) Papa Ted forever!!!
