Sunday, April 29, 2012

A story for a special lady

Below is Mom's homily that was said at her mass.  I love dragon flies because of this.  :)

At the bottom of the pond little grubs were crawling around. They wonder what happens to their members who climb up the stems of the lilies and never come back. "I wonder what its like up there," they'd ask each other. They agreed among themselves that the next one who is called to the surface will come back. The next day, a little grub finds himself drawn to the surface by nature and crawls up the stem and out on the surface on the lily leaf. He found it so bright up there. The light was almost blinding, not dark and murky like it was down below. "They won't believe this," the little grub thought to himself.

Then, something begins to happen. He began to feel his sides start to swell. Painful at first then amazement slowly, two huge beautiful colored wings began to unfold out of his sides, and he becomes a beautiful dragonfly. He never imagines that this could have happened! He thought he'd remain a grub forever. He flew back and forth across the pond. He could see all the other grubs in the pond below but they couldn't see him. Soon, he realized there was no way he could get back to tell them and that they could not recognize such a beautiful creature as ever having been one of them.
Our scripture readings and this story all have to do with new life. Berde is certainly experiencing a new life with our loving God.

In the Gospel of John we hear the words: "Do not let your hearts be troubled." These words are most remarkable.  Jesus knew his disciples had very troubled hearts, because of what he had just told them about his imminent death.  Jesus knows are hearts are troubled.  Our hearts are troubled because a wife, a mother a friend was taken from us too early in this life time.

Yet our hearts should know comfort because Berde will live on because love never ends and Berde's life is more precious because of how fully she lived her life.  Berde lived her life fully:
.       As a wife to Ted and a mother of Megan.  Berde lived the words proclaimed in the Book of Proverbs.  She was an ideal wife and mother.
.       Being a best friend to Megan slipping her treats when she left home.
.       Being a frugal person only buying a four pack of toilet paper versus the 24.
.       Spending time with her closest friends, making rosette's wanting to laugh willing to party
.       Being a friend to others by sending cards, writing poems all to give others a smile on their face.
.       Being a woman of faith. Berde loved being involved in church, sharing her faith with others and made sure the sacristy had freshly laundered communion cloth.
.       Enjoyed spending the summer months watching the Minnesota Twins games and the quiet times on the pontoon at Balsam Lake.
.       Spoiling her dog Einstein

Our hearts are troubled because a wife, a mother a friend was taken from us too early in this life time.  Yet we need to understand the following beliefs:

Berde had a mental illness. Berde was not perfect and had a hard time dealing with her own imperfections. Berde was the only one who knew the depth of the illness.  It was this illness that caused her to take her own life.

We must in the days ahead remember how Berde touched our lives. Let us not judge her, judge her imperfections or judge the end.  We will leave the judgment up to God. Instead, let us talk about the nice cards we received, her laughter her willingness to share her faith. This is what needs to be shared in café and in the streets of Hollandale and surrounding communities.

Our hearts should know comfort that Berde is in the loving hands of God and by her side is her mother who she loved dearly.  She is experiencing new life with no more illness, no more guilt, no more struggle.  As we heard in the book of Revelation Berde is experiencing a new life with God.
Our hearts should know comfort because God recognizes a life fully lived and loved. God recognizes our struggles and certainly understood Berde's struggles in this world. Because God understands and loves the reward is eternal life.

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