Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Taking off my bra.

Why write a blog?  This was asked to me a few times throughout the day today.  I figured after my initial posts, and some writing, I would have a better understanding of why I wanted to bare my naked soul...Or scantily clad soul, to the internet universe. Up until half an hour ago, I still didn't have an answer to that question.  I began this evening like any other: Happy hour, a good meal, and then I came home to take my bra off. (If there is one true pleasure in this world it is taking your bra off.  Women of the internet, I know you are all nodding in approval.)  After an episode of Teen Mom 2 and a few games of Angry Birds, I felt something drawing me to my computer, and the word vomit starting spewing forth from my finger tips. 

   -Bear with me, I'm coming to my point.-

Answer: why would I not freaking write a blog?!  This isn't communist China!  This is the Mother F***ing U.S. of A.!  (See how I haven't officially dropped the 'f' bomb yet?  I'm letting you warm up to me a bit, but showing you that I'm well aware of the vocab, so when it does drop, in what I can only imagine is a post or two away, you will be ready.)  I say things that people only THINK about saying. I have been charged with lack of a filter from my brain to my mouth.  Guilty as charged.  This entire world is way too worried about being politically correct, being sued, (kind of amazed I haven't been yet.) or worried what people will think of them.  As someone who was concerned with that myself at one point, I feel like it's my job to tell others, that it is okay to say what you're thinking.  Crazy huh?!  As long as you can reign in your mouth in a professional setting, (I would say I can do that about 90% of the time) (Oh and talking with co workers outside of a meeting is not considered professional setting, that's the time to really let it all hang out...because they are the only ones that understand the craziness in the work place, and let's face it, co workers make life fun, and in some cases, your job tolerable) I'm talking major meetings, involving President's, CEO's, Directors, VP's, etc..Your peeps will respect you for being YOU.  Let's take a moment to practice appropriate vs. inappropriate shall we? 

Important dude: "That's the year in review, do you have any thoughts on that?"
Incorrect Answer: "Looks decent to me, what a year huh?  My head is still spinning from that wild ride, think I'll go home tonight, crack a beer and take the ol' bra off to celebrate!" 
(Important dudes are not ready for a bra discussion)

Appropriate use of bra discussion:
Convo with co workers: "Whew, dodged that bullet, still have my job, want to go celebrate tonight?!  But not for too long, I want to go home and take my bra off." 

Feel free to work up to sharing your love of a bra free life with people...or for you gentleman reading this: perhaps a discussion of letting your junk hang free.  Point is, don't not be yourself.  If you want to say something, say it.  Your real peeps will always be there, and more than likely, be more than willing to take their bras off with you...or boxers...which just makes for a fun time all around...if you know what I mean. ;)

How did I get to this point of clarity/being able to be myself?  Looks like we'll need to journey back to my formative years for that one...until next time my blog following friends. 


  1. The first thing I do when get home from work is ditch the bra. Sometimes on the weekends I never even wear a bra - which may be dangerous to bystanders as I have some pretty impressively sized knockers.

  2. I love this so much I just ditched the bra right here at my desk:)
