Monday, January 30, 2012

First blog ever.

I have been under the impression, that blogs need to be about something.  That whole Julie/Julia thing was about accomplishing Julia Child's cooking in a year.  I have a friend that blogs about things she wants to do before she turns 30.  Another friend has an adorable blog about her baby,  and fun activities to do with your child in the Twin Cities.  Yet another friend writes an inspirational blog about her struggles/living with cancer.  So I got to thinking about things I could blog about..............................................................................................................................................That's pretty much what I came up with.  Nothing.  I knew that I liked to write, and make people laugh.  I also know that I have experienced some things in my life that made me the person I am today, some funny, some not so funny.  I just knew that I always liked writing, and when half a dozen people told me I should blog, well, far be it from me not to listen to the masses. 

My hope, is that in writing this thing, I make a few people laugh, have some clarity of self, and if I'm lucky like that damn Julie chick from the Meryl Streep movie..maybe I could at least get a book deal out this!  A movie would just be a bonus...Of course I will need to find a love interest so Johnny Depp can play him...I'll be playing myself in the movie if Johnny signs onto it.  Perhaps I'm jumping the gun a bit, but a girl can dream. 

I suppose I should do some kind of a disclaimer, as heaven forbid, I don't want anyone to be offended.  If you even remotely offend easily: don't read anything after this post.  Here's the ABC's of Radke: I swear like a sailor, say what's on my mind, I don't sugar coat.  I will probably talk about things in here that have happened to me in real life.  I will change the names so my peeps in the following posts will be protected. As soon as this catches on, I'm sure people will be clamoring for inside scoops on me and my friends, and I just can't have my possee getting hounded by the papparazzi. 

These things being said, I think I'm going to call it a night.  I have a date with Johnny Depp in my dreams, and I don't want to be late.  Buckle up kids, and look forward to getting a peek into the life of yours truly. How could you not want to follow me?!  I'm ridiculously good looking.


  1. You're on my Google Reader now, homeskillet :-) Consider yourself followed! But not in that stalker kind of way.... or maybe that kind of way exactly....

    The person who makes your hair look awesome (no, not that WEN guy...)

  2. Hey Lady! So glad you're loving the blog! It's kind of an experiment of sorts...We'll have so much to discuss next time you do my hair!
