Monday, August 13, 2012

Mormons. Friend or Foe?

Okay, okay, I know... I have been a little lazy in writing lately.  For that I apologize.  The summer has just been whizzing by...and with summer get togethers, BBQ's, and general life chaos, this lil' blog got swept under the rug.  BUT, as I mentioned before.  Where do I take it from here?  So, I figured from here on out, since you're up to date on the life of me... I'll just start writing about different stories, and thoughts I have...and per usual, you will just need to deal with it. 

Up until the spring of 2011 I never, really, knew any Mormons.  I feel like in high school, I maybe knew one... but that is even questionable.  Here is what I 'knew' in my mind. 

1. Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are the same thing. 
2. When you see them coming down the street to your home, shut all doors, windows, turn off the tv, lay on the ground.  My dear, sweet Mother taught me this maneuver. 
3. No matter how persistent they are on the doorbell or with knocking, DO NOT, under and circumstances, open the door.  Stay still, like you're dead, and remain on the floor.  (You can imagine this was challenging after Einstein came to the Radke house.)
4. They're crazy and just want to convert you, at any cost to their religion.
5. Bill Paxton, in Big Love, kind of made me want to be Mormon. 
6. These are the people that dress weird and have their kids married off by the time their 15 right?  Like the Amish, only they have electricity, and they don't make quilts and candy??

As you may have guessed, those things that I 'knew' about Mormons... were completely wrong. 

On week two of my new job in the cities, I was chatting with one of my co workers, trying to figure out everyone at the new place.  I was not prepared for what my co worker would say next, 'Then there's Matt, he's Mormon'.  Whoa, wait a minute, you back the fun train up a few notches.  Did you just say he's MORMON?!  I was just getting ready to say, I'm obsessed with Big Love on HBO!!  When in her next breath my co worker said, 'And no matter what you do, don't say you like Big Love...'  Crap.  There went any common ground we had. 

Upon closer inspection of 'The Mormon' he seemed so normal...  Aside from the fact that he wanted to talk like Ace Venture on a daily basis, and had way too many awards in his cube... I thought I could actually like him.... But, one had to be careful, at any point he was going to try to convert me!  I walked on egg shells, until one day in a staff meeting I made a wise crack about mediocrity.  I didn't realize it at the time, but he thought it was hilarious, and sent me a link to witty medicrity 'non inspirational' posters.  He has a sense of humor??  Interesting...

I started noticing little things, like he NEVER swore.  'Gosh darn it', was about as crazy as he got.  I also started noticing he didn't know when we were quoting movies that had anything over a PG-13 rating... HOWEVER, what was so refreshing, is that he never once looked at me strange, or disapprovingly as I would let loose a string of curse words that would make a sailor blush.  That's when I started getting curious about the ol' Mormon religion.  I had never really seen one close up before, it was like seeing a zebra outside of the zoo walls.  I had questions about a few things, and by God...Or Joseph Smith, if you will, I was going to find out about it! 

We started occasionally having lunch together.  Or as I liked to call it: Breaking Bread with Mormon.  He was always more than happy to answer my questions, and never once, insisted I become a Mormon.  Before I knew it, I was invited over to his home for dinner one night...and the best surprise of all came.  I was having dinner with Mormon missionaries!  You know, the cute lil' guys and gals that come around to the doors that I used to hide from?!  I was actually going to meet them!  What did they do all day?!  How long do they have to ride their little bikes around for?  What was a 21 year old, extremely good looking young man , from the South Pacific doing in St. Paul?  And more importantly, if I converted to Mormonism...could we be married immediately? 

To say I was a bit much for the sweet, innocent, pure, missionaries... may be an understatement.  But they patiently answered all of my questions: When do you get up?  Where do you eat?  Do you have to ride your bike even if it rains?  Are you guys BFF's after you do this whole missionary thing?  What did you do today?  Do your parents miss you terribly since you're gone for over a year?  Will you marry me? ...You guys have a prophet... Could Matt be the prophet someday? 

So after talking with REAL Mormons, let's see if the things I originally knew are accurate. 

1. Negative.  Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses... VERY different.  Both send their peeps out to share in their beliefs...but that's where it ends. 
2. Mormons just want to share their faith with you.  Now, occasinally, you'll get an overzealous one that may be a smidge pushy.  But keep in mind, they get the door slammed in their face a lot.  They are just excited to talk with someone.  Offer them some lemonade and have a chat, they will not be doing any animal sacrifices to get you to least not on the first meeting.  :)
3. See above.
4. Again see above, they just get excited when you ask questions, it shows you are interested in their faith... of course they do get a signing bonus when they convert someone.  Just kidding Matt!  Just kidding.  (He's reading this now and is probably cursing much as he can anyway.)
5. Big Love, while entertaining for the obnoxious story line, and hot sex, probably not where I should have gotten most of my Mormon knowledge from.
6. Matt and his wife are some of the hippest dressers I know!  Again, something HBO, may have put in my head..

So, after months of deliberation, many meals at Matt's home, enjoying his wife's food, I came to this conclusion.  Mormons are no crazier than the rest of us.  On some topics, they may even be onto something.  And more importantly, when I see the cute lil' missionaries come to the door, I don't hide any more.  I spew out everything I know about Mormon's...the way I have it figured..I should have a new Mormon boyfriend in the next year or so.  ;) 

Want to really learn more about Mormon goodness, check out their legit website...Probably a little more accurate than my ramblings:

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