Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The New Work Posse.

How is it nearly the end of May and this will only be my second post this month?  I blame the weather, beers consumed and new found love of Mad Men that has kept me from the masses demanding more Megan E. Radke goodness.  :) 

I believe we left off with me getting ready to tell you about my new work peeps.  As you all are well aware by now.  Friends are my family.  As a single gal, work becomes a major focus in my life, thus the people that I see for 8+ hours a day I better damn well get along with. 

As mentioned previously, I start my brand new life in the metro with high hopes..only to have them smashed in a matter of a few days of starting my job, getting a kidney stone and needing surgery.  I instantly became known around my brand new office as the sick girl.  When I got back from surgery, I knew I was going to have to double my efforts to make sure the new co workers knew that I wasn't the sterotypical sick girl. looked like some damage had already been done.  I needed to assess the situation and do some major damage control if these people were ever going to fall in love with the essence of Radke.  Now, as those that are closest to me know: FAR be it from me to judge...But these people were clearly, really big ass holes.  I can say that now, because after a couple weeks I loved them...but man, coming down from my Vicodin high, that office seemed like the least friendly place in the world. 

I was once again working in the Admission realm, so everyone is overly outgoing and has a personality to match.  There's no need to change names, as they love this blog..and have been waiting for some time for me to get to them so they could share in the fame of this glorious written word.  AKA: Attention whores.  Since I am TERRIBLE with names (funny I work with the general public) I have always given name associations/nick names to people as to jog my memory and hopefully remember the name later...I think most of them know their associated names:

Chanell My Bell: She literally ignored me the first two weeks.  If we were standing next to each other, she would look anywhere but at me.  She had been there for about a year when I arrived and the only reason she talked to me was because she was forced to.  She was the cutest damn dresser, petite, and I immediately assumed she was a raging bitch.  My manager told me one morning I was to shadow Chanell for a few hours, I smiled and said, 'Sounds great!'  But as soon as she left, I turned around, rolled my eyes, grabbed my notebook, as I couldn't wait to be ignored for a few hours.  I wandered into her cube, said hello and made a joke about her being stuck with me for a bit.  In the next breath she asked me what my Zodiac sign was, and she was online determining if we would be compatible or not.  Huh...well she seems like fun...and she wasn't all work...interesting...more small talk...and about 10 minutes into 'shadowing' Chanell I knew I had a new friend.  She liked to laugh, was good at what she did, and more importantly, found me to be hilarious!  We were inseperable after that.

Terrence/Ter Bear: He is possibly the skinniest black man I have ever seen.  I could tell on day one this mo fo, ran the office.  He could say anything and get away with it...Wait a minute..that sounds like me...I liked him immediately.  You usually heard him before you saw him (wait..maybe he and I are related..) and he was notorious when the song 'Moves Like Jagger' came out to, sneak up behind us, throw a leg up on our desk, start singing the song and gyrate his body in all sorts of questionable HR kind of ways.  He also loved a good prank and was involved in the 2011 'baked potato in Radke's purse incident'. 

Asian Kate: This hooker I had a real hard time getting to know initially.  As you may have guessed: She's Asian.  She and Chanell were close, and even when Chanell gave the all clear as to my 'cool status' I could tell Kate was still not having it.  I'm not entirely sure at what point she decided I was okay, but it was definitely on her terms..and I was okay with that.  Now that little Asian and I hardly take a breath without okaying it with the other.  She is quiet, and takes in a lot of things...then will just drop these random sarcastic bombs on you when you least expect it.  She also has an undiagnosed case of A.D.D.  An example: "Hey Kate!  Come back here a minute!" As she flies by my cube, "Just a mintue I have to do something I'll be right back!"  Without fail 45 minutes later I will call her (Lord knows I'm not going to walk the 35 feet to her desk) and ask her if she forgot something, and then she'll remember she was supposed to swing back by my desk...

Matty Pants: Now, I can tell you, for the first 2-3 weeks I worked at this place, I wanted to punch him in the face.  Let me tell you why: He's the Ace Ventura guy.  You know what I mean...every office has one.  The guy that says, "Alllllrrrriiiggggghhhtyyyy Then..."  And other various quotes from the Ace Ventura movie.  As if that weren't bad enough, I walk into his cube to introduce myself to this joker, and he has about 14 awards sitting up strategically on his book case, as if to announce to anyone that walked in there what a big deal he was.  I was clearly going to despise him.  However, it was after a meeting about a month into the job when I was starting to feel more comfortable and cracked a joke at a morning meeting...and he laughed it..then followed it up with an email joke later that day, that I realized he was really funny.  He is usually the one that gets us back on track if we lolligag a little too long...but over all, a very tainted sense of humor on this one, which was unexpected and fabulous.

Bri Bri/Carp/Brian: Ugh, when I first met this one, I assumed he had a former career in used car sales.  He was a pretty boy, well put together, and then come to find out he's in a band?!  Bwahahahaha, clearly douchey.  It only took one drunken night out a few month into the new job to make me realize he was legit.  He wasn't afraid to give me shit, and could take it when I gave it back to him.  On top of that he's got roots in Southern Minnesota too, he couldn't be all bad.  I will forever be his friend as his mother came to his apartment at Thanksgiving and cooked a MASSIVE meal for all of his friends...anyone that can cook like that, willingly...will be in my life forever.  Oh...I guess I'll keep Brian around too..

Jeremy: He doesn't get a nick name.  He stands out.  He's the blonde Rick Moranis, is in finance, and when you look at him...well...he's exactly what you would expect.  And for once I mean that in a really, really, good way.  He looks like he just got done crunching numbers in the nerdery.  He is easy to get to laughing about something, socially awkward, and all around nice guy.  We really keep him around (And Matty Pants for that matter too) because he's not a big drinker and is fabulous at being a sober cab. 

There have been many great peeps in my short 14 month stint at the school, but this is the core group that started out and has thus remained...even though a couple have moved on...we stay connected as we have endured some crazy management styles together.  But it just creates for all the good stories when we get together again.  At one point or another I may need to tell another story..and at that time I'll tell you about the other crazies I have/do work with.

It didn't take long for me to feel comfortable at the new job because of these lunatics.

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